Cadere and the Weal / HD Video, 9 min 16 s, 2014

In order to examine our perverse relationship to nature is it really nature that we must make more humane? Or is it humanity that must become more like the animal? In Cadere and the Weal a young huntress stalks an imaginary squirrel, her object of desire. The fake-alive-undead squirrel hides in its imaginary cave in tense juxtaposition to the longing and wandering of the huntress. “Cadere”, a reference to Julia Kristeva’s text on abjection, is latin meaning “to fall” and also the root of the English “cadaver”; “weal” references Marian Engel’s novel about the wound left on a woman’s back by a bear with whom she has a failed sexual encounter. As the huntress in the video draws her bow and marks her target the animal is transformed into its real-dead iteration, exposed to time and immanent decay.
